Monday 28 September 2009

Hi! I entered the fastest birds comp and here is the drawing I did!

I hope you like that Hiki! It wouldnt let me add it to the forum so i gave the link on my post and I am hoping you see this! But for everyoen else-What do YOU think?

Thursday 24 September 2009

Hi im franci the new author of this blog :D

I wish to thank you all!
First for those who reccomanded me to be an agent :)
Second for Hiki to place me on the poll :D
and last but not least those who voted for me!!!!!!!!!!

Please i really wish you keep for voting for me, it has always been my wish to be an agent!!!

thanks love ya xxxx

VOTE 4 FRANCI And my bday party tommorow

Hey guys The new agents poll is out and I want you to vote for FRANCI !!!!! Shes my best ever friend shes so kind and thats the picture I drew. Plz make her dream coem true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My 275th birthday party is
Date:25th Spetember (tommorow)
Place:Rockemall Street
And I would like to welcome our new author, franci !!!!! Julz franci and me are a TEAM!

Monday 21 September 2009

I am so sorry about not posting

Heres the link:

And its about.... well if you are so curious just visit!!!!!!

Saturday 12 September 2009

My new vid!

I made it with Clubpenguin_fan and Purplerox92.
I hope you like it dudes and dudetts!

Hope you like it. :)
You'll find it there.

P.S: Take a gander at my other blog!

xoxo Julz

Friday 4 September 2009

No posts till Sunday

Hey guys sorry I cant post till sunday because I am off to my dads. Sorry!

Thursday 3 September 2009

Mrcarfan9000 drawing hiki please see it

Thats mrcarfan9000s drawing hikikomori can he have a paint brush he has ace drawings soem you havent seen but this one is the best can you put it on for everyone to see how good he is? Pleeease! He is a really good drawer.

Clubpengi the ace drawer.

Hey guys I was in the underground today and a chobot called clubpengi started to draw me! Its ace She deserves a paintbrush. When hiki see this she will be very pleaseed! There is the drawing! Cool or what??? I think cool! Do you like it? Post a comment!

Wednesday 2 September 2009

Hi everyone!

Hi everyone! I'm Julz, and I'm here to help out Jellybaby321's Blog.
I made this post to introduce myself to the viewers of this blog.

I'm also sorry I did not post a picture with this post, although I usually
would, exept for the fact I am on my laptop which does not take pictures.

Have a super nice day! :)


Our new author!

Hey guys I would liek you to have a big welcome to julz our new author for the blog! She will be posting! And she makes good and awesome headers so if you ever need a header making shes the one to ask! Shes the one who made the blogs current header! So julz welcome to the team!

Boy/girl party!

Theres a picture I made of the boy bes a girl and girl bes a boy that happend today in the shop square there was so much rain. I got the fireman suit but the electric in ym house went off so I lost it :( Well it was a good party I wan to show you a drawing I made as well. Three it is up there. Its just a citizen card. Do you think that citizens should have that card as an item to hold? I do! Well I am going to announce the new author soon Its someone I picked at random who follows our blog. If they dont want to then I will pick soemone els.e Bye for now!